US Army Patches - Army Unit Patches and Army Regiment Patches
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We specialize in Army patches. We are constantly adding new Army Corps patches, Army Regiment Patches, Army Unit Patches, Calvary Patches, and Army Infantry Division Patches to this section. The patches we carry are of the highest quality.
We have one of the most extensive Army Patch collections on the web. If you cant find it here, it probably doesn't exist. That being said, if you do not find what you are looking for, please contact us to see if we can locate it for you.
Select a Sub-Category

Army Scorpion / OCP Patches

Army ACU Foliage Green Patches (NEW)

Agency Patches

Air Base Security Battalion Patches

Air Cavalry Patches

Air Defense Artillery Patches

Airborne Infantry Division / Regiment Patches

Airborne Infantry Battalion Patches

Airborne Patches

Anti-Aircraft Artillery Patches

Armored Brigade Patches

Armored Cavalry Regiment Patches

Armored Field Artillery Battalion Patches

Army Armored Infantry / Reconnaissance Battalion Patches

Armored Patches

Armored Regiment Patches

Army Mobile Riverine Patches

Army Ovals

Army Patches

Aviation Battalion Patches

Aviation Brigade Patches

Aviation Patches

Aviation Regiment Patches

Battlefield Surveillance Brigade Patches

Beret Flashes

Cavalry Battalion Patches

Cavalry Brigades and Division Patches

Cavalry Regiment Patches

Chemical Brigade / Battalion Patches

Command & Headquarters Patches

Civil Affairs Patches

Combined Field Army Patches

Corps Patches

Desert Storm Patches

Engineer Battalion Patches

Engineer Brigade Patches

Engineer Patches

Field Artillery Battalion Patches

Field Artillery Brigade Patches

Field Artillery Division Patches

Field Artillery Regiment Patches

Finance Patches

Glider Patches

Ground Unit Patches

Group Patches

Headquarters Patches

Infantry Brigade Patches

Infantry Division Patches

Army Infantry Regiment Patches

Large Back Patches

Logistical Command Patches

Maintenance Patches

Army Maneuver Enhancement Brigade Patches

Medical Brigade Patches

Medical Battalion Patches

Medical Company Patches

Medical Dust Off Patches

Military Aid & Advisor Unit Patches

Military Intelligence Patches

Military Police Patches

Military Police Battalion Patches

Military Police Regiment Patches

Army MOS Patches

National Guard HQ Patches

Ordnance Patches

Psychological Operations Battalion Patches

Quarter Master Patches

Ranger Patches

Recon Battalion Patches

Regiment Patches

Regimental Combat Team Patches

Reserve Command Patches

Signal Battalion Patches

Signal Brigade Patches

Signal Corps Patches

Sniper Patches

Special Forces Patches

Specialty Novelty Patches

Support Battalion Patches

Support Brigade Patches

Support Commands

Support Group Patches

Army Sustainment Brigade Patches


Tank Battalion Patches

Tank Destroyer Battalion Patches

Training, Schools, Centers, and Academy Patches

Transportation Patches

Vietnam Patches